Current Lab Members
Emilio Salinas
Joint PI, computational neuroscientist, OneWheeler, squash player, and more.
(336) 713-5176
esalinas [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
Terry Stanford
Joint PI, neurophysiologist, jazz guitarist.
(336) 716-0359
stanford [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
Denise Anderson
Khaleesi, i.e., lab manager, and more.
(336) 713-5177
ddanders [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
Evan Kattner
Ex-Masters Student, ex-technician, now PhD student.
ekattner [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
Ashley Paro
Masters Student, multisensory integrator, and more.
aparo [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
PhD and Postdoctoral Alumni
Allison Goldstein
agoldste [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
Emily Oor
Postdoc and instructor at Wake Forest University, jiu-jitsu ninja, and more.
ooremily [at symbol] gmail [dot] com
Senior consultant at Deloitte Consulting.
Postdoctoral fellow at the Salk Institute.
Medical Science Liaison at Greenwich Biosciences
Research Associate at the NIH.
Swetha Shankar
Dantong Zhu
Masters Alumni
Evelyn Feng
Counselor, east-west liaison, expert on slithering creatures, and more.
jufeng [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu
Evan Kattner
Ben Steinberg
Emily Rogers
Other Alumni
Lauren Sussman
Sophia Fry