
We are always searching for people interested in exploring how the brain works. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to apply to the

Graduate Programs in Neuroscience

of Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

If you have any questions about our work, the Urgent Choice Laboratory, or anything related, get in touch with us!

Emilio Salinas

Gray Building, 4th floor, Room #4098

(336) 713-5176 (office)

(336) 713-5177 (lab)

esalinas [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Terry Stanford

Gray Building, 4th floor, Room #4114

(336) 716-0359 (office)

(336) 713-5177 (lab)

stanford [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Our Mailing Address

Salinas-Stanford Lab

Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy

Wake Forest University School of Medicine

1 Medical Center Blvd

Winston-Salem, NC 27157


The medical center — which is a bit of a maze. You can download a pdf of this map.