
Current Lab Members

Emilio Salinas

Joint PI, computational neuroscientist, OneWheeler, squash player, and more.

(336) 713-5176

esalinas [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Terry Stanford

Joint PI, neurophysiologist, jazz guitarist.

(336) 716-0359

stanford [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Denise Anderson

Khaleesi, i.e., lab manager, and more.

(336) 713-5177

ddanders [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Evan Kattner

Ex-Masters Student, ex-technician, now PhD student.

ekattner [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Ashley Paro

Masters Student, multisensory integrator, and more.

aparo [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

PhD and Postdoctoral Alumni

Allison Goldstein

agoldste [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Emily Oor

Postdoc and instructor at Wake Forest University, jiu-jitsu ninja, and more.

ooremily [at symbol] gmail [dot] com

Swetha Shankar

Dantong Zhu

Masters Alumni

Evelyn Feng

Counselor, east-west liaison, expert on slithering creatures, and more.

jufeng [at symbol] wakehealth [dot] edu

Other Alumni